Library's Expansion | Newspaper Articles
Library to move to temporary location
Anna Parachkevova, Sentinel & Enterprise, April 12, 2005
LEOMINSTER -- The public library will move to Crossroad
Office Park at 690 Mechanic St. for the next 18 months,
until renovation and expansion of its current facility is
completed.The library's Board of Trustees announced the
temporary location Monday, during a monthly meeting at the
library's current quarters on 30 West St.
Over 100, 000 books, popular print and non-print materials
will be transported to the new location during a two-week
period in the beginning of May, Gilbert Tremblay, vice
chairman of the board, said.
"People have been very supporting of the whole project,"
Tremblay said. "We are trying to make it as convenient to
them as possible."
In order to minimize inconvenience to the public, the
library will gradually close access to portions of its
collection, starting with its older ones.
New books, media releases, audio and video materials, as
well as library programs and information services, will
remain available until the library closes on May 2.
The temporary location, which is half the size of the
library's current facility, will house all popular print and
non-print materials and about a third of the library's old
The rest will be packed and put into longterm storage,
Tremblay said.
The library will resume its regular hours at the temporary
location on May 16.
The temporary location will also allow the library to
maintain separate adult, children's and young adult areas,
and to offer library programs and Internet access.
The library board of trustees and its building committee
reviewed a total of six proposals, which were submitted
since last October, according to a press release.
Zoning regulations, suitability for library services and
projected costs all played a role in the selection, Tremblay
"Crossroad Office Park was selected as the most financially
affordable location," he said.
The library will lease 11,000 square feet at the new
location at the rate of $8.60 per square foot a year.
The library anticipates bidding the construction of the
expanded and renovated public library on April 12 in the
Central Register.
The deadline for sub-bids will be May 17.
"The contract will go to the lowest qualified bidder,"
Tremblay said.
A groundbreaking ceremony will follow the deadline for the
general contract, which is slated for June 2.