
Library's Expansion  | Newspaper Articles

Renovated library to open June 10
Marisa Donelan, Sentinel & Enterprise, May 30,2007

LEOMINSTER -- The newly renovated Leominster Public Library on West Street will be open for business June 10, following a dedication ceremony, officials said Monday.

Kathleen Reynolds-Daigneault, a member of the library's board of trustees, said the two-year expansion and renovation project will result in a booming library downtown.

"Leominster is such a vibrant city right now," she said. "This will only add to it. There's going to be more space for people of all ages, with the children's area, the teen section, and plenty of room for adults."

Leominster has been without a library since April 16, when the temporary location at Crossroads Office Park closed for the move.

The dedication ceremony will be a chance for people to take a tour of the downtown building, and start checking out books if they'd like, Reynolds-Daigneault said.

Gilbert Tremblay, the board's chairman, said he's toured the building recently, and praised the builders for incorporating the new sections with the historic 1910 front section of the library, which had been closed off to the public before the renovation.
"(It fits together) flawlessly, really," he said. "It just merges perfectly together."

Tremblay said he has visited Fitchburg's library during Leominster's closure, and said having the library downtown once again will be a "big plus" for the city, particularly on Pearl Street, which faces the library's new parking lot.

"I think the dedication is going to be a significant event for Leominster," he said. "It's going to have a positive effect on that neighborhood."

The library expansion and renovation, estimated to cost $12 million when it started, was paid for through grant money and city taxpayer money.

City Councilors last fall approved a controversial loan order for $1.3 million to cover cost overruns from construction setbacks, such as ledge underneath the site and water problems.

A fundraising committee has also raised more than $1 million in donations to pay for furnishings in the new building, Library Director Susan T. Shelton told the Sentinel & Enterprise in April.

Reynolds-Daigneault said despite some building setbacks last fall, the rest of the project went well.

"Remediating water is just very difficult, and they wanted to do it the right way," she said. "The water caused a bit of a headache, but they solved that problem and it went on smoothly from there ... It's built to last. It's going to be a great place for the city."

A dedication ceremony, with comments from city officials and light refreshments, will begin at 2 p.m. on Sunday, June 10 at the Leominster Public Library on West Street.



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