
Resources for Preventing and Treating Tick-borne Diseases

Stop Lyme: Information for Tick-borne Disease Prevention, Identification & Patient Care.  

The Nahant (MA) Public Library - with funding provided by a 2016 grant from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine - compiled the latest information on Lyme and other tick-borne diseases into this handbook.

The grant also enabled the Nahant Public Library to produce and distribute copies of the handbook libraries statewide, and to add e-books on the subject to the Commonwealth eBook Collection's Axis 360 service.


  1. The Stop Lyme handbook is available in physical form (it's a large green 3-ring binder) at the Leominster Public Library's Information Desk.  While it may not be checked out of the Library, information within may be photocopied.
  2. The Stop Lyme handbook is also available online on the Commonwealth eBook Collection's BiblioBoard platform, which is accessible to all Leominster Library cardholders.  Searching “Lyme” there will bring it up as the first result, or click on https://library.biblioboard.com/faceted-search-results/g%3Dlyme
  3. The eBook collection funded by the Stop Lyme grant can be found in Commonwealth eBook Collection's  Axis 360 platform by searching “Lyme disease”. A valid library card is required to borrow these books.
  4. Nahant Public Library hosted a public forum entitled "Ick, a Tick!” , with a panel of public health experts on hand to discuss Lyme and other tick-borne diseases on April 23rd, 2017.  This event was videotaped by local cable television and is archived on YouTube.  Find it by searching “Ick a tick Nahant,” or click on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9y8UekZL4M  


The Central Mass Lyme Foundation donated several books in print and a DVD on the subject of Lyme disease to the Leominster Public Library in April 2017.  These books may be found by searching "Lyme disease" in the Library's Evergreen catalog.

For more information about the Central Mass Lyme Foundation, please visit their website centralmasslyme.org, find them on Facebook or call toll-free 888-511-LYME.


Selected links to other resources for prevention and treatment of tick-borne disease:



Page last updated May 22, 2017

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